סדנאות צילום מקצועיות לילדים ונוער

למדו צילום ועריכה בסדנאות חינוכיות ומקצועיות.

סדנאות בבתי ספר ובחוגים לילדים.

לימוד צילום מקצועי עם עריכה מתקדמת.

חוויות יצירתיות ומעשירות לכל המשתתפים.

A group of people gathers around an individual holding a camera in a room. The scene is in black and white, giving it a vintage feel. There are bottles on the table and one person appears to be looking at a photo or document. The interaction suggests a workshop or educational setting.
A group of people gathers around an individual holding a camera in a room. The scene is in black and white, giving it a vintage feel. There are bottles on the table and one person appears to be looking at a photo or document. The interaction suggests a workshop or educational setting.
A professional film camera is set up in a workshop or garage-like setting. The background is filled with tools and machinery, indicating a working environment. A person is partially seen, engaged in some task, adding to the industrial feel of the image.
A professional film camera is set up in a workshop or garage-like setting. The background is filled with tools and machinery, indicating a working environment. A person is partially seen, engaged in some task, adding to the industrial feel of the image.
A person appears to be giving a presentation or demonstration in front of a seated audience in a dimly lit room. The room has professional lighting equipment, suggesting a workshop or seminar in the field of photography or film. Attendees are attentively watching, some taking notes.
A person appears to be giving a presentation or demonstration in front of a seated audience in a dimly lit room. The room has professional lighting equipment, suggesting a workshop or seminar in the field of photography or film. Attendees are attentively watching, some taking notes.

מי אנחנו

צלמים צעירים מציעה סדנאות צילום ועריכה מקצועיות וחינוכיות לילדים ונוער בתוך בתי הספר ובחוגים, לקידום היצירתיות והכישרון.

A vintage photography studio with an old wooden camera on a tripod covered by a dark cloth. The room is warmly lit and features wooden floors and furniture, including a chest of drawers and wicker stool. The backdrop depicts a painted scene of a serene lake with classical architecture. Various framed pictures are hung on the walls.
A vintage photography studio with an old wooden camera on a tripod covered by a dark cloth. The room is warmly lit and features wooden floors and furniture, including a chest of drawers and wicker stool. The backdrop depicts a painted scene of a serene lake with classical architecture. Various framed pictures are hung on the walls.
A workspace setup featuring a desktop computer with a screen displaying photo editing software. In front of the monitor, various camera equipment including a digital camera, camera lens, and memory cards are placed on a desk. A keyboard and mouse are also visible, along with some lens caps and an external hard drive.
A workspace setup featuring a desktop computer with a screen displaying photo editing software. In front of the monitor, various camera equipment including a digital camera, camera lens, and memory cards are placed on a desk. A keyboard and mouse are also visible, along with some lens caps and an external hard drive.
A photography studio scene featuring a photographer capturing a male subject who is posing on a white backdrop. Several people are observed behind the photographer, including a woman adjusting equipment and others casually standing around. The room is industrial-style with large windows and visible vents on the ceiling.
A photography studio scene featuring a photographer capturing a male subject who is posing on a white backdrop. Several people are observed behind the photographer, including a woman adjusting equipment and others casually standing around. The room is industrial-style with large windows and visible vents on the ceiling.

הסדנאות שלנו

הסדנאות מיועדות לילדים ונוער ואנו מתמקדים בפיתוח היכולות ויצירת הזדמנויות בתחומי הצילום והעריכה עם מומחים.

סדנאות צילום מקצועיות

סדנאות צילום ועריכה לילדים ונוער בבתי ספר ובחוגים, מקצועיות וחינוכיות כאחד.

סדנת צילום מקצועית

לימוד צילום מקצועי עם דגש על יצירתיות ופיתוח כישורים אצל ילדים ונוער.

A black and white photograph depicts a studio setting where one person is focused on a camera, possibly adjusting or photographing something on a table. In the background, another person is seated at a desk with a laptop, appearing to be in deep thought or concentration. The room is filled with studio equipment, including light stands and canvases, and has a creative, industrial ambiance.
A black and white photograph depicts a studio setting where one person is focused on a camera, possibly adjusting or photographing something on a table. In the background, another person is seated at a desk with a laptop, appearing to be in deep thought or concentration. The room is filled with studio equipment, including light stands and canvases, and has a creative, industrial ambiance.
סדנת עריכה מקצועית

הכשרה בעריכת תמונות ווידאו, תוך שימוש בכלים מתקדמים והכוונה מקצועית לכל משתתף.

לימוד חווייתי ומעניין

סדנאות המשלבות למידה חווייתית, פיתוח יצירתיות והנאה תוך כדי צילום ועריכה.
A dimly lit art studio or gallery filled with framed photographs on wooden easels and shelves. A large portrait in the foreground focuses on a serene, expressionless face. Other smaller portraits, mostly of women, are displayed around it. Vintage cameras and decorative plants add to the vintage and artistic ambiance.
A dimly lit art studio or gallery filled with framed photographs on wooden easels and shelves. A large portrait in the foreground focuses on a serene, expressionless face. Other smaller portraits, mostly of women, are displayed around it. Vintage cameras and decorative plants add to the vintage and artistic ambiance.
A well-lit photography studio with a model posing in a black, form-fitting outfit adorned with reflective elements. The photographer is capturing the scene with professional equipment, including lights and backdrops. The studio has a large window, wooden floors, and brick walls, creating a warm and creative atmosphere.
A well-lit photography studio with a model posing in a black, form-fitting outfit adorned with reflective elements. The photographer is capturing the scene with professional equipment, including lights and backdrops. The studio has a large window, wooden floors, and brick walls, creating a warm and creative atmosphere.


תמונות מסדנאות צילום ועריכה לילדים ונוער

A black and white image depicting a person holding a camera in what appears to be a dimly lit studio setup. Softbox lighting equipment is present, casting a beam of light across the scene, and creating dramatic shadows.
A black and white image depicting a person holding a camera in what appears to be a dimly lit studio setup. Softbox lighting equipment is present, casting a beam of light across the scene, and creating dramatic shadows.
A photographer is taking pictures of a food setup in a studio or kitchen environment. The scene includes professional lighting equipment, such as softboxes and reflectors. Two individuals are present, with one focusing on capturing the image while the other stands nearby.
A photographer is taking pictures of a food setup in a studio or kitchen environment. The scene includes professional lighting equipment, such as softboxes and reflectors. Two individuals are present, with one focusing on capturing the image while the other stands nearby.
A person appears to be guiding or demonstrating how to use a camera stabilizer to a group of individuals seated in a room. The group of people are observing attentively. Multiple desktop computers are arranged on tables along the walls of the room. Large windows with metal bars allow natural light to illuminate the space.
A person appears to be guiding or demonstrating how to use a camera stabilizer to a group of individuals seated in a room. The group of people are observing attentively. Multiple desktop computers are arranged on tables along the walls of the room. Large windows with metal bars allow natural light to illuminate the space.
A photography studio setup featuring a large white backdrop, flanked by two professional studio lights on stands. A large, white equipment case with metal edges and handles is positioned in front of the backdrop. The floor is dark and glossy, reflecting some of the light.
A photography studio setup featuring a large white backdrop, flanked by two professional studio lights on stands. A large, white equipment case with metal edges and handles is positioned in front of the backdrop. The floor is dark and glossy, reflecting some of the light.
A group of people are gathered in a room, surrounded by photography or film equipment such as lights, tripods, and softboxes. Some individuals appear to be adjusting a camera on a tripod while others are engaged in conversation or checking equipment. The setting appears to be a professional studio environment with a high ceiling and white walls.
A group of people are gathered in a room, surrounded by photography or film equipment such as lights, tripods, and softboxes. Some individuals appear to be adjusting a camera on a tripod while others are engaged in conversation or checking equipment. The setting appears to be a professional studio environment with a high ceiling and white walls.

הסדנה הייתה מקצועית וחינוכית, הילדים נהנו ולמדו רבות! התוצאות היו מרשימות מאוד.

יצחק כהן

A professional camera is mounted on a tripod, positioned next to a large, soft light diffuser. The scene presents a typical photography studio setup, with focus on the camera equipment and lighting.
A professional camera is mounted on a tripod, positioned next to a large, soft light diffuser. The scene presents a typical photography studio setup, with focus on the camera equipment and lighting.
A workshop setting features two men seated on chairs, one wearing a hat and the other a cap. A young person lies on the ground with a dog next to them. Tools, a red vehicle, and various workshop items are in the background.
A workshop setting features two men seated on chairs, one wearing a hat and the other a cap. A young person lies on the ground with a dog next to them. Tools, a red vehicle, and various workshop items are in the background.
